Thursday, July 5, 2012

Welcome to Walmart Wednesdays!

Like most women in the United States, I LOVE TARGET!

I know I’m not alone in this because I see these e-cards constantly posted on Pinterest.
My love for Target caused me to have an intense hatred for Walmart, mainly because it isn’t Target.

Again, I can use ecards on Pinterest to show that I'm not the only one who finds Walmart unpleasant.

I walk into Walmart with the expectation of finding cute things in roomy aisles at reasonable prices. I find crappy things, in dirty aisles at insanely low prices.

Sometimes the insanely low prices trick me into believing that Walmart is great!
And then I go to check out and get in a thirty-person line because for some reason only two check-out lanes are open.

I tell myself I’ll never shop there again.

And then I move to a small Canadian town that only has a Walmart.

So I decided to give myself an attitude adjustment and attempt to find something delightful about my local Walmart every Wednesday. 

I'm going to become the embodiment of this e-card:

Yay! Walmart is awesome! Yay!

Its a fake it until you make it strategy that I know will eventually work.

I realize I’m posting this Wednesday post on a Thursday, so I’ll just show a past Walmart find.

Check out these little silver sandals for my baby girl.

Freakin' adorable, right?

Unfortunately they fall off her feet each time I put them on her, but maybe they'll fit her in a year?

Anyways, positive thinking until next week Wednesday!

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